Autodesk AutoCAD Electrical 2020 Keygen
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AutoCAD began life as a tool that helped students understand and design electric circuits. Initially, it was conceived in 1977 by architect-entrepreneur John Walker, via a prototype called Interact CAD, which he named after the American Institute of Electrical engineers' small section that queried electrical engineers on Interact's beta version.[9][31] Walker was not given access to the Interact CAD source code.[32] In 1978, Walker convinced Autodesk's Michael Riddle that the company should develop a similar product, and Autodesk released AutoCAD the following year.[33] Before AutoCAD's release, Walker and his design team held a number of meetings with Autodesk engineers in the hopes of gaining access to the source code for their prototype software project. The team was unable to do so and Walker and Riddle ended up collaborating on the conception and design for AutoCAD, and Walker worked at Autodesk through 1981. In 1987, Walker began working on his own CAD toolkit in StrongARM (now ARM holding company SoftBank) later known as MicroCAD.[34] The company was acquired by Autodesk in 1999.[35]
The release date is shown in the product information system or the About icons on the main window and when you choose Help/About or Help/About from the menu bar. If the software does not show the correct release date, please see the next section.
During the development of this product, Autodesk conducted beta testing and community feedback through Autodesk's Community Forums. (Note: Autodesk no longer formally communicates this information.
Autodesk periodically launches different versions or expansions of the product. There are also separate versions of AutoCAD (for example, AutoCAD LT for the education and demonstration version and AutoCAD and AutoCAD R14 for the enterprise product). These are usually released together with a major release of AutoCAD and discussed on the Autodesk Community forums.
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