Command And Conquer Generals Cd2 Pc Game 2021
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START: You're a private in the nascent army of eugenia (northern europe), a new nation that may not yet be a power in the world. You're one of the first citizens to arrive at a new camp, you hear about a promotion to general. The general is nutrient, your commander in chief of the nascent army. The general will appear in the lobby with the other generals (being the highest up brings the most prestige). Once in the lobby they will be tied to a chair and burned and then kicked in the groin. You will take the general to the barracks, where they will strip it out and tie you to a bed. They will then inspect you for bruises, cuts, scrapes; they'll take a look at your genitals and pull your hair, and when they're done they'll kick you in the balls. The general will grab the general's badge and put it on your chest, and tell you to get on your feet.
Being a general is a prestige position, and as a general you'll wake up every morning at 8:30 - 11:30. You'll go into the kitchen, and the general will feed you. While the general is feeding you, you can tell him your life story. The general will say so long, and leave the barracks. You can follow him. If you want to just follow around the camp, just stay on his tail. As soon as he says leave, you follow him home, you must follow EVERYWHERE!
When you get to his house, the general will invite you in to some delicious food, but while he's eating it, you can tell him your life story. If you want to tell him, just tell him. You will be rewarded with candy or canes depending on how well you tell him or what you were told to tell him. The general will give you a cane, and say that he's proud of you, and give you one last opportunity to tell him your life story. You should tell him a story, and he'll pull his pants down and say "so another one?", and you can reward him with candy again or obey him. He'll give you a prize or call you a genius, He'll say your name, and the command must be yes.
i wanna answer this question i have tried all versions of c and c generals now my problem is it crashes on startup because the game wont start up any suggestions? dialer version doesnt play the music or anything. the cd's have nothing inside them other than a directory listing, how do we solute this problem? d2c66b5586