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The main constituents of airborne lidar include digital elevation models (DEM) and digital surface models (DSM). The points and ground points are the vectors of discrete points while DEM and DSM are interpolated raster grids of discrete points. The process also involves capturing of digital aerial photographs. To interpret deep-seated landslides for example, under the cover of vegetation, scarps, tension cracks or tipped trees airborne lidar is used. Airborne lidar digital elevation models can see through the canopy of forest cover, perform detailed measurements of scarps, erosion and tilting of electric poles.[47]
Password manager passwords should be of sufficient complexity and length to make it difficult to crack them.Previously leaked database dumps of various password managers have shown that password dumps are not that hard to crack if they're sufficiently large.Password managers should be regularly updated with new and stronger algorithms.
The clinical research enterprise depends upon practitioners, policy makers, and others for participation in trials, ethical review of research, and continued support of research funding. However, the role of the public has expanded beyond this traditional model as consumers have begun to demand a role in the formulation of the research agenda and in the design, review, and pursuit of research. This report identifies four major challenges to the Clinical Research Enterprise:
Many apps and systems have the ability to communicate with each other. Without the proper security mechanisms, this can open the door to a wider attack surface. This poses a big challenge to managing the cybersecurity of enterprise environments. It is a challenge that is made more complex because many of the mechanisms used to secure communications can be automated, making it difficult to detect and prevent attacks.
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