Trottla Doll |BEST|
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For instance, last month, I started by putting together three of these templates for web designers who are looking to spice up their websites but running low on ideas in some areas. So my starting point was this compilation of exciting web design ideas that I had compiled over a month and a half earlier, for anyone that needed help getting their mind back on track. Before I got started, I used the LayerSlider site to find the template that would be most suitable to the purpose of this project. Once I found a template that suited my purpose, I downloaded the slider, did some simple edits to the code, added new features that I wanted, and the end result was a great starter template for the type of web project that I was going to prepare. Who said design isn’t easy?
People have been asking for a free version of LayerSlider. I don’t think this is a good idea because my wish is not your command (just kidding)! So here goes: LayerSlider Pro. And it is available for a price, of course. Please contact me if you need more information on pricing, download options (both as a version and as a death-free-for-all), and pricing.
Regarding your question about where to put LayerSlider code, I’m going to assume you are talking about the LayerSlider code that you have added to your theme. In that case, you are most likely looking for a plugin. The easiest way I found to incorporate LayerSlider was by simply copying the entire module to your sites plugins directory and then name it “cPanel_LSR”. If your site is RUNNING off of cPanel, just go to the cPanel’s “modules” page, find cPanel_LSR, and add it. When you are ready to create your own themes, you may want to do that. I would avoid putting any directory deep inside the plugin directory because that will make it difficult to find later. That is why I put mine under “cPanel_LSR” d2c66b5586